Contact Us:

How do I obtain information on internships and employment at your organization?

For information on working for Global Media Group please click here.

How can I find out more about artists on the Global Media Group roster?

For the latest artist information, please visit our individual label websites which will also have the most current social media information for your favorite artists and bands.

How do I submit a demo to Global Media Group?

Demo submissions should be directed to GMG’s record labels, but kindly note that they are unable to accept unsolicited material. Typically, demos are recommended to one of our labels’ A&R departments by a manager, agent, producer, radio DJ or other industry professional. Another option for unsigned artists is GMG’s site, Music Distribution Club, which offers both digital distribution and has a network of scouts who have a relationship with many of Global Media Group’s labels.

Please note that on occasion, we’ve been made aware of individuals who give the false impression they are affiliated with GMG and ask for money from artists in order to submit music on their behalf. It is against our company policy for an employee to accept any form of compensation in return for submitting music to one of our companies. If you are approached by a person that claims to be a GMG employee and who asks for any form of compensation in relation to a demo submission, please contact us here.

I am a company or brand looking to partner with a Global Media Group label or artist. Where should I direct my inquiry?

The Global Media Group & Brands division provides innovative, tailor-made business solutions to companies and brands. Please visit GMG’s advertising & marketing company for further information and contact details.

I am interested in licensing music for a project. How do I go about doing this?

Licensing requests should be directed to Global Media Group. To license the master recording of a Global Media Group artist please contact the copyright and licensing division at 945-200-1555 for further information.

If you would like to obtain rights to use a song or lyrics from a song that is administered or published by Global Media Publishing Group you should contact GMPG’s Film & TV Licensing department via the GMPG website by selecting “license request” at the bottom of the page. If you are unsure whether GMPG is the proper contact for your request, information on a song’s publishing company is usually found on the album’s packaging.

I found your music being distributed or sold illegally on another web site or service. How can I report this?

If you see an example of GMG music being illegally distributed please feel free to contact us here.

I’m a member of the media, how can I contact someone in your communications department?

Please contact us via email at and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate contact.

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